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Past projects

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"Working is Worth it"

Do you know that....people between 15 and 29 years old in Argentina, a quarter of the country's population, find themselves in a highly complex and unfavorable context, which brings them closer to vulnerable living conditions. 62% did not finish high school, which translates into high levels of unemployment or precarious work. Only 1 in 4 young women under the age of 24 works. This proportion is even lower in the more vulnerable social sector.

According to a study by  Cippec Social Protection Program, in the province of Buenos Aires, which is where 40% of young people who neither study nor work live, 74% are young women who are at home taking care of their children or siblings, with no network to stay at school or work.

In the poorest 20%, only one in five young people finish high school. In the richest 20% there are 4 out of 5. Only less than one in 100 young people in the poorest 20% complete college. In the richest 20%, it is completed by a fifth.


We invite you to know more about some of our latest projects!


Adding Tools -2002-2009-.

Project aimed at young people from 17 to 29 years old. This program addresses the problem of building a work project, with special emphasis on the development of life skills. The project starts from the idea of reappropriation of knowledge and tools, allowing young people to resignify their capacities and subjective positions. The project has been possible thanks to the network of more than 250 schools in the Province of Buenos Aires, which each year have supported our work.

Population reached: 75,000

This program was endorsed by the PREJAL Program (Promotion of Youth Employment in Latin America) belonging to the International Labor Organization. Enroll in the initiatives of the Youth Employment Network promoted by the UN Secretary General and the ILO Global Employment Program.



Entrepreneurial Schools. Juvenile subjectivities and work. -2012 to date-.

Project of regional scope oriented to Integral Intervention, aimed at achieving the labor insertion of young people in vulnerable situations, both in employment and in entrepreneurship, promoting decent work. The project includes education and training instances within the framework of a job placement strategy that consists of: a self-diagnosis on the interests of young people, counseling on job opportunities, carrying out qualification practices, the use of training systems . information and intermediation, the accompaniment of tutorials for the search for employment or self-employment, the intermediation work with actors who demand employment and / or self-employment, and continuous post-insertion monitoring, which allows accompanying the young person in their job search.

Population: 200 young people from the Province. from Bs. Como, they have received 72 hours of training, management and tutoring.

This project has been selected by the Technological Fund for Labor Insertion- MIF- BID- MICROSOFT.



On Boarding - 2015-2016-.

The project is developed in alliance with small, medium and large companies that are committed to a CSR policy linked to youth employment. The work, based on three pillars: employers' companies, youth and social sector organizations, is central to guarantee a coupling between the demand presented by companies and the expectations and needs of young people. The work that we carry out from FOP begins in the classroom, working on site with young people, teachers and families, and accompanying the entire process of training, selection and entry to the job. We work focusing on strategic interventions that allow the active participation of the new generations in the culture of the organization. This project has been carried out in partnership with Unilever from Argentina.



Schools in Action. Youth and employability -2009 - 2020-.

Socio-labor training project given to students of the last years of high school of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. The project created by Fundación Oportunidad has been selected within the framework of the Program for Strengthening Civil Society Organizations and has received consecutively, since the first year of its implementation, the sponsorship of the General Directorate for Strengthening Civil Society of the Ministry of Social Development of the Government of the city of Buenos Aires.  The project takes place in the most vulnerable neighborhoods of CABA, in alliance with a network of schools and social organizations, committed to the purpose of this project. Since 2009 to date, more than 1,750 young people have been trained.

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